Peyton is a mess. Being the youngest of five, he has learned that he had too choices, be outgoing or get lost in the crowd. He picked the first. Peyton has been trying to keep up with his older brothers since day one. He has always felt a need to be right there, where the action was.
Peyton does VERY well in school. Math is his stongest subject and he excells in it.
He is very social and the older kids (especially the girls) adore him. He sat last night and talked to a 16 y/o girl who is a friend of the boys during an entire basketball game.
Peyton is very affectionate and has not outgrown hugs and kisses, even in public. He will even initiate it.
Like Maddie, he too can memorize lines to movies very easily and we often get reinactments of scenes from him.
Being our last child makes it very difficult to see him grow up but he is doing it... in leaps and bounds.
I didn't realize that he and Quinn had the same nickname.
He is a sweet boy, and I love seeing the way he has grown!
Oh how I enjoyed being on the receiving end of those hugs and kisses during our Christmas visit. Thanks Peyton!
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