Where do I start with Kristian? I see so much of myself in Kristian. He sees life as black and white. His views are very idealistic and he has no problem making sure you know how he thinks. I realize that most of what I discribed could be seen as negatives but when I stop and consider that this is the mind of a 16 y/o I realize that harnessed these could morph into some pretty good qualities as he matures.
Kristian is a passionate young man. He can't "like" something, he has to love it or he will hate it. When he loves something,like lacrosse, skateboarding, or snowboarding, look out. He will put every ounce of energy he has into doing it the best that he can. But, when he hates something, forget it. there will be little or no effort "wasted".
He, like many 16 y/o boys, wants to make the "Bens" (= Ben Franklin= $$$$). He isn't sure how he is going to do that but he "knows" that is what he wants. He is thinking of getting into graphic design (he would like to create the designs that go on snowboards and skateboards) or marketing. I think that he has the brains to do whatever he wants. I just hope that he begins to realize that.
Kristian keeps us laughing. Although his sense of humor is somewhat warped, he does like to keep us in stitches. Now we just have to teach him when to turn it off.
Liz and I have now doubt that Kristian will be successful in whatever he chooses to do in life. That is that passion. It may not be something that the "world" sees as success but doing something that you love and loving what you do are keys to success in my book.
I love you Kman for who you are,warts and all!!!
he is TOTALLY like you!
That's why it is so funny (for the rest of us -- not for you) to watch the 2 of you interact... pay back time ;)
Remember when Karla's kindergarten teacher labeled her as headstrong. She had asked me if Karla readily did what I asked her to do. My answer was,"When you ask her to do something that she loves, she does it quickly, but when you ask her to do something she does not like, it takes her all day." Sound familiar?
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