Way to long!!! It has been over 9 months since my last blog. I guess I haven't felt like I had anything important to say. I was reading my sisters blog today and I got the bug to write again. I am not nearly as talented a writer as she is but I feel that I have "something" to offer,even if it is just a picture that I have captured or a quick note about my family.
I have been very busy. So much has happened since my last post. We have had success and failures, we have had smiles and tears. We have endured so much this past year but God has gotten us through thus far.
My photography has taken off. I have been shooting everything I can. I have created an online album to share my photos with you. I also was recently honored to have a photograph nominated for the International Society of Photographers 2008 Hall of Fame. It will be exhibited at the annual convention in Las Vegas.
I am still carving decoys but have slowed down a great deal. Carving is one of those things that you really have to set aside a large chunk of time for and lately I haven't had any. I guess I could do a little here and a little there but then it becomes a chore and the enjoyment is lost. I am currently working on two decoys and would like to have them finished in the next month or so. They are a bit more involved than anything I have done before so I am taking my time with them.
Mackenzie and Kristian are Seniors this year. They are both excited and a bit apprehensive about graduating and heading off to college. They will do fine.
Devon shot a video in Toronto while back. You can find it on YouTube ( Truth N Rhymes). He has been writing and recording his own music for a while now and has become very good mixing and "producing" the music.
Maddie and Peyton are doing well. Not much going on with them (I hope that they don't just seem like a footnote)
I'll leave you with one of my latest photos
Hey great site. Great to see the family grow into young adults, and teenagers.Liz looks great also. we need to keep intouch more. Love your big bro Mike
Oh yeh We all love the photos. Love Mike,Lauie,& Emily
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