Have you ever wondered why God created you? Why did He take the time out of His busy schedule to create you? I've often pondered this. Knowing ahead of time that I would make so many bad choices in my life, why did He mold me?
Many of you may know that I carve decoys. As an artist/carver I would NEVER waste my time on a piece of work that I knew ahead of time was going to be flawed. Why would I set out on a carving that I knew was going to sink? It would be pointless. But God knows all of our flaws and failures before He creates us and yet He still creates us. Again, I ask why?
I think I know the answer. Let me start by saying that I do not have a degree in Theology. What I say here is straight from the heart. I think the answer to the previous questions boils down to one word. LOVE. That's it. I think that God IS so much LOVE that He has to have something to love. His nature is so loving that there has to be something that can be the beneficiary of His Love. That's it. He made you and me because He wants to love us. "Warts and all" as my mother would say. Even through all of the flaws and imperfections that we have (and they are all of our doing, by the way) He still loves us. Isn't that awesome?
If you have any "Bible Background", I'm sure that you know the verse "God loves a cheerful giver."2 Corinthians 9:7
While the context of this verse is in relationship to our giving to the church , many have applied it to giving in general, giving a birthday or Christmas gift. I have always thought that there is another part to the concept of being a "cheerful giver", a "cheerful receiver". You see, without a "cheerful receiver" a gift can't be given. If you do not receive a gift cheerfully, you are denying a person the ability to be a cheerful giver. So next time you feel unworthy of God's love remember that He created you so that He could love you. If He didn't want to love you, you wouldn't be here in the first place.
So no more laying a round in self worthlessness for me. He made me warts and all and He loves me warts and all. So know matter how short I fall from all of the other plans that God has for my life I commit myself to being a "cheerful receiver"!!
This brought a tear to my eye. I don't think that anyone with a degree in theology could have said it any better. Besides, God doesn't look at our degrees, only our hearts. I'm so glad you are a willing receiver, for I love you soooooo much.
Wonderfully said. Someone told me once that God loves me just the way I am and way too much to let me stay this way, which was immensely consoling.
Absolutely beautiful, Mark. You have always had a big heart and love for those around you.
Mrs. W.
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