Why is it that it takes rain for me to appreciate the sun? Why is it that I have to be driven to my knees instead of joyfully falling to them? What is it in my makeup that needs me to be hit with a 2x4 across my forehead before I get it?
I see The Son on the darkest of days. I wish that I wasn't this way. I wish that I could praise God more when my life is "together", when things seem to be going well.
Mercy Me has a song out "Bring the Rain". The chorus sums up how I feel-
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain
I draw closer to God in these times. I know that God is working in me. I know that all things work for good for those who love Him. I pray that I will be a good witness in the storms that I am taken through. I pray that Grace and Joy will be seen by others as the rains shower my head.
I pray for joy. I pray for peace. But if it praises you and draws me closer then BRING the RAIN.
What beautiful words, yours and those of the song. Our minds and hearts seem to forget where the light comes from when the sun shines. We even begin to think that we are in control.
God is good all the time, even when we forget.
Love you,
Mark, you are no different than many of us; we don't forget that God is with us all the time, especially when things are going well; it's when the rain is so heavy that it knocks us to our knees and we cry out to God for help. Try driving around in the different seasons of the year and look at the beauty that God has given us....just a "Thank you, God, for the beauty of the leaves, or the sunrise, or the sunset", that is a praise. I imagine you do more of that than you give yourself credit for.
What a blessing this particular entry in your blog was to me.
Love and hugs,
Mrs. W.
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