Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A quick catch up

We now have two teenage drivers in the house!!!!!!! We celebrated Kristian's 16th birthday yesterday. He celebrated by getting his learner's permit and a job. His is the proud employee at a local burger joint. He had actually been hired two months ago but the manager didn't realize that he was only 15 y/o. He was then told to report on his 16th birthday. He starts tonight.
Peyton is LOVING football. Liz had to practically drag him off of the field Monday night. I'll get some pictures and post them.
Maddie started soccer practice this week. She is having a tough time with the conditioning, but she has improved each day.
Devon has also been having soccer practice (JV). They played the girls varsity team yesterday and beat them 2-1. He is enjoying it and improving.
Mackenzie had a wonderful time as a counselor at Bible Camp last week. She made some new friends and is looking forward to doing it again next year.
Liz is ready for school to start. They go back on Sept 7.
Well, I just wanted to stop in and fill you in on some of the little things gong on in our journey. Keep in touch and God Bless.


Karla Porter Archer said...

hey Mark! I'm enjoying your blog! Can't wait to see some photos too!

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