Friday, May 30, 2008

Another Dear Friend Gone

I was home on a brief vacation a few weeks ago. Liz and the kids were on Spring Break and we were busy cleaning the yard. My German Wirehaired pointer would not leave my side. She was constantly following me even though I could tell that she was tired. She was diagnosed right after Christmas with lymphoma. I was hoping that this was not the beginning of the end. I mentioned to Liz that I didn't think that Tiggi would make it through the Summer. She thought I was being overly optimistic and said she would be surprised if she made it through the Spring. I woke up the next day and headed out to get some more yard work done. A few minutes later Liz came out and I could tell on her face that something was wrong. "Tiggi isn't doing well." She gently told me. "I think it is time." We had been assured by the vet staff that we would know when it was time to put her down. I wasn't ready. I had too many more hunts I wanted to make with her. Too many more balls to throw. Too many more swims in the river. I reluctantly loaded her into the car and took her to the vet where they quietly assured me that she was ready and that anything else would only be prolonging her agony. I sat on the floor of the vets sobbing as Tiggi and I waited. A kind woman came to me and offered a stranger (me) a tissue. I bet she has never seen a 300lb grown man sobbing on the floor before. They called for us and they took her in. It was painless for her and I took her home and buried her under the same white birch that I buried Cocoa just months before. Tiggi was a hard one to let go. I had bought her as a pup. I still remember picking her up from the airport.She was a wonderful dog and a great friend. She will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Mark and Family, so sorry for the loss of your dog; pets are family and it's hard to let go of them. Will you get another pup and train it to go hunting with you?

Joce Wetzel

Sean said...


I am sorry about your loss. It is very upsetting to loose any part of our family.

I pray that the Lord will provide you with a new hunting dog to start making new memories. You will never stop missing or replace your beloved friend, but we can have many new and exciting experiences as the pages of our lives are turn by our Lord and Savior.

Blessings to you and your family,

Your brother in Christ,

Anonymous said...

Mark, sorry to hear about Tigg. Laurie and I both understand you pain since we had to put kassey down last March. You will always remember the wonderful times that you got to send with her. Lots of Love Your Big Bro MIKE