Liz and I watched a very good movie this weekend, The Final Cut. It stars Robin Williams but not in his normal goofy roles. This movie takes place in the future where people can have an inplant (the ZOE implant) that records everything that you see and hear. Williams plays a "Cutter". This is someone who retreives and edits the memories into a "Rememory" or a video memorial. It is edited in a way that makes the person seem to be perfect with all of the "good" things being added and all of the "bad" things being deleted. During one scene, two cutters are talking about a 20ish young woman that was the epitome of "bad" behavior. She had sex with anyone, smoked, drank, and did whatever she wanted regardless of the consiquences. Then she found out that she had the ZOE implant and she did a 180 turn around because she then realized that everything that she said and did was being recorded and someone was eventually going to see ALL of the "BAD" stuff that she had done.
I was sitting in church yesterday and had a thought. "We ALL have a GOD Chip!" All of us will have all of the good, the bad, and the ugly shown on a movie theatre sized screen showing everything that we have don in our lives. We will be held accountable for all of our actions and thoughts. I know that there are things in my life that I don't want anybody seeing but especially the Judge of my soul. I need to live in a way that I don't have to be worried about who is going to see that. I realize that my motivation at this point may be of fear and not as a result of God's love, but, it's a start. God isn't finished with me yet. Everyday is a NORTHBOUND JOURNEY.
Before I go I want to share with you a beautiful scene that I captured Saturday...
WHOA! THAT is gorgeous! and I love what you wrote. Do you mind if I link to it from my blog?? Let me know.
I forgot to tell you that I used some of this in my Sunday School class recently. Beautiful thoughts. Thanks.
I nust reread this for the umpteenth time. This is so meaningful and shows your heart in such a beautiful way.
I love you much!
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