As I mentioned last week, Kristian's lacrosse team played in the Section X Finals Friday night. They lost in a very intense hard fought game. But, Kristian "won". In the off season before his Junior year, Kristian busted his tail to get in shape and improve his stick skills. But, his work wasn't recognized and he sat most of the season. He didn't give up though. He worked even harder this year. In the beginning of the season it looked like he would be disappointed again and see little time. But he fought through it. Two games into the season Kristian's hard work was rewarded with a starting position. He had a wonderful season. He plays defense and when they played a team with a hot shooter, Kristian was the one that the coach called on to shut the shooter down. He has been assigned to a few All Americans this year. All of whom will be playing D1 lacrosse at the likes of Syracuse and Maryland. Friday was no different. He was assigned to defend All American. Kristian held him pointless. NO GOALS NO ASSISTS. Kristian could have laid his stick down after last season,but he chose to be a winner. We are so proud of his perseverance.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Kman ROCKS!!!
As I mentioned last week, Kristian's lacrosse team played in the Section X Finals Friday night. They lost in a very intense hard fought game. But, Kristian "won". In the off season before his Junior year, Kristian busted his tail to get in shape and improve his stick skills. But, his work wasn't recognized and he sat most of the season. He didn't give up though. He worked even harder this year. In the beginning of the season it looked like he would be disappointed again and see little time. But he fought through it. Two games into the season Kristian's hard work was rewarded with a starting position. He had a wonderful season. He plays defense and when they played a team with a hot shooter, Kristian was the one that the coach called on to shut the shooter down. He has been assigned to a few All Americans this year. All of whom will be playing D1 lacrosse at the likes of Syracuse and Maryland. Friday was no different. He was assigned to defend All American. Kristian held him pointless. NO GOALS NO ASSISTS. Kristian could have laid his stick down after last season,but he chose to be a winner. We are so proud of his perseverance.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Another Dear Friend Gone
I was home on a brief vacation a few weeks ago. Liz and the kids were on Spring Break and we were busy cleaning the yard. My German Wirehaired pointer would not leave my side. She was constantly following me even though I could tell that she was tired. She was diagnosed right after Christmas with lymphoma. I was hoping that this was not the beginning of the end. I mentioned to Liz that I didn't think that Tiggi would make it through the Summer. She thought I was being overly optimistic and said she would be surprised if she made it through the Spring. I woke up the next day and headed out to get some more yard work done. A few minutes later Liz came out and I could tell on her face that something was wrong. "Tiggi isn't doing well." She gently told me. "I think it is time." We had been assured by the vet staff that we would know when it was time to put her down. I wasn't ready. I had too many more hunts I wanted to make with her. Too many more balls to throw. Too many more swims in the river. I reluctantly loaded her into the car and took her to the vet where they quietly assured me that she was ready and that anything else would only be prolonging her agony. I sat on the floor of the vets sobbing as Tiggi and I waited. A kind woman came to me and offered a stranger (me) a tissue. I bet she has never seen a 300lb grown man sobbing on the floor before. They called for us and they took her in. It was painless for her and I took her home and buried her under the same white birch that I buried Cocoa just months before. Tiggi was a hard one to let go. I had bought her as a pup. I still remember picking her up from the airport.She was a wonderful dog and a great friend. She will be missed.
I'm Still Alive
I emailed my mom the other day with some pictures of my two eldest, Mackenzie and Kristian. They had recently attended their prom. So I wanted to send the pictures to her. She was excited to get them. I sent her another email the next day telling her of some of the children's recent accomplishments. She, again, was very proud and excited. But the last sentence of her email smacked me. She has been reminding me of how neglectful I have been with my blog. My response is usually "I have nothing to share." Well her last sentence told me that I did have a lot to share. So, here goes.
As I said before, Mackenzie and Kristian had their prom. It was a fun night for both. Mackenzie was beautiful and Kristian was handsome.
Mackenzie recently returned from her senior trip to New York City. This was a huge step for her since she is not one who ventures too far away from the nest. She had a wonderful time.
Kristian has just about finished his Senior year of lacrosse. He is a starter this year. We are very proud that he has stuck with it. He was discouraged after last year. He didn't see much time at all but he trained hard and pushed himself in the off season. He has made a huge impact shoring up the defense. They play for the Section X Championship tonight. The winner moves on to the State Championship Tournament.
Devon tried out for the Spring musical earlier in the year. He did such a wonderful job that the Choir Director urged him to try out for chorus. He did and he became second Tenor. He more recently tried out for Select Chorus and made it. We are very proud of him and how he too has stepped out of his comfort zone.
Maddie has been playing lacrosse for several years. Last year she moved up to Modified (7th and 8th grade) and her coach has not seen fit to give Maddie much playing time. She has played defense up to this point and has done well but for some reason the coach doesn't play her much (I say this biting my tongue). Well a few days ago Maddie approached the coach and aske to be moved to attack (an offensive position). After a few days of thought her coach moved her. In her first game at attack Maddie scored!!! We are proud of Maddie for scoring but even prouder of her standing up for herself.
Peyton has been playing the alto sax for 2 years now. His instructor recently asked him to play in the 7th and 8th grade Jazz ensemble next year. This is something for him to be proud of since he will only be in 6th grade next year and it is a select ensemble.
I hope that this doesn't sound like one of those Christmas family bragging letters that we all get and cringe over. I am just very proud of my children and what they have done. They aren't perfect. They have failed (sometimes scholastically) at times but they have always picked themselves up and dusted off and pressed on.
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